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Chennai Heritage Forum

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Heritage is generally defined as something that has been inherited from our previous generation. As a community, we are responsible for the heritage we inherit and are accountable to take proper care in passing it down to the next generation. Tangible (that which has a physical form, ex: buildings, artefacts) and intangible heritage (that which doesn’t have a physical form, ex: performing arts, oral traditions) are integral to the fabric of any society and are storehouses of knowledge, with the ability to help guide the society towards holistic and sustainable development.


It is vital that the community realises their significance and contribute towards its timely preservation and conservation. This requires the community to work together and exchange information and perspectives on the various avenues that should be undertaken for sensitive preservation and engaging in active dialogues with the government and authorities to realise a planned and balanced growth of the city, where the old and the new exist in harmony.


The ‘Chennai Heritage Forum’ is a stakeholder forum that Madras Inherited aspires to build and
develop, with the aim of engaging in dialogues and discussions about the state of heritage in
Chennai and devising various actionable that could be undertaken to facilitate change.


Click here to sign up for the forum!

Events by the Forum

Photo Credits: Binsan Oommen Baby & Sujith Kumar


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